C Language Programs - Coding is Funny

C Language Programs

c programs

Program List →

Start with Basic Programs
  1. Hello World
  2. Taking Input from User
  3. Find ASCII Value of Character
  4. Using gets() function
  5. If-Else
  6. Switch Case
  7. Checking for Vowel
  8. Reversing Case of Character
  9. Swapping Two Numbers
  10. Largest and Smallest using Global Declaration
  1. Basic for Loop
  2. Basic while Loop
  3. Basic do-while Loop
  4. Nested for Loops
  5. Program to find Factorial of number
  6. Fibonacci Series Program
  7. Palindrome Program
  8. Program to find Sum of Digits
  9. Program to reverse a String
Number Crunching
  1. Program to find Average of nNumbers
  2. Armstrong Number
  3. Checking input number for Odd or Even
  4. Print Factors of a Number
  5. Find sum of n Numbers
  6. Print first n Prime Numbers
  7. Find Largest among n Numbers
  8. Exponential without pow()
  9. Find whether number is int orfloat
  10. Print Multiplication Table of input Number
Concept of Arrays
  1. Reverse an Array
  2. Insert Element to Array
  3. Delete Element from Array
  4. Largest and Smallest Element in Array
  5. Sum of N Numbers using Arrays
  6. Sort Array Elements
  7. Remove Duplicate Elements
  8. Sparse Matrix
  9. Square Matrix
  10. Determinant of 2x2 matrix
  11. Normal and Trace of Square Matrix
  12. Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
  13. Matrix Mulitplication
  1. Simple Program
  2. Memory Management
  3. Array of Pointers
  4. Pointer Increment and Decrement
  5. Pointer Comparison
  6. Pointer to a Pointer
  7. Concatenate Strings using Pointer
  8. Reverse a String using Pointer
  9. Swapping Two Numbers
  10. Pointer to a Function
  11. Null Pointer
Concept of Recursion
  1. Adding Two Numbers
  2. Factorial
  3. Fibonacci Series
  4. Sum of First N Numbers
  5. Sum of Digits
  6. Palindrome
  7. Power of N
  8. Largest Array Element
  9. Prime or Composite
  10. LCM of Two Numbers
  11. GCD of Two Numbers
  12. Reverse a String
  13. Password print program

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