Program to check if input character is a vowel using Switch Case - Coding is Funny

Program to check if input character is a vowel using Switch Case

Program to check if input character is a vowel using Switch Case

Below is a program to check vowel using switch case.

int main()
    printf("\n\n\t\tStudytonight - Best place to learn\n\n\n");

    char ch;
    printf("Input a Character :  ");
    scanf("%c", &ch);

        case 'a':
        case 'A':
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
        case 'i':
        case 'I':
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
        case 'u':
        case 'U':
            printf("\n\n%c is a vowel.\n\n", ch);
            printf("%c is not a vowel.\n\n", ch);
    printf("\n\n\t\t\tCoding is Fun !\n\n\n");
    return 0;


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